Historical data
These are web pages for the history repository at the Royal Hampshire Regiment Museum. The repository is somewhere for us to share data that is relevant to military museums in general, as well as tips and techniques for organising and presenting data.
Below are links to examples and further details. The View on GitHub button, in the title bar above, takes you to repository itself.
Regimental colours, with honours on the colours linked to descriptions of the battles. This is an example of an image map.
A trench map overlay on a British trench map. This shows map references mentioned in 11th Brigade Intelligence Summary reports between 25th and 29th of August, 1917. Locations in British territory are blue dots, and those in German territory are red dots. The position of the 11th Brigade front line during those dates is apparent. The example opens zoomed in on the overlaid data. Click anywhere to see the whole trench map. See the technical description for more on how this works.
Zeppelin raids in 1915. These are taken from A Concise Chronicle of Events of The Great War, by R. P. P. Rowe. The red dots are on days that a raid took place, and they link to the relevant line of the document.
Regimental Timeline, overlaid with dots representing battle honours and VC’s derived from a list of campaigns and a diary of events.
Battalion timelines in World War I. This takes the diary of events and creates a diagram linking events that mention the same unit. The resulting timelines merge at major engagements (such as Gallipoli, Ypres and the Somme) where more than one Hampshire Regiment battalion was involved.
Battalion timelines in World War II. As above, this takes the diary of events and creates timelines; but this time the diagram depicts the campaigns the regiment took part in, and these in turn link to the battalion timelines for each campaign.